
We are proud to announce our ambitious initiative to transform all our headquarters into green buildings.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are proud to announce our ambitious initiative to transform all our headquarters into green buildings.


Our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint is evident in our goal to achieve a 20% reduction in both energy and water consumption across all our Headquarters. We have already made significant progress at Hassan Allam Holding, implementing cutting-edge measures such as PV Solar Panels, motion sensors, and LED lights, resulting in over 20% energy savings.

Additionally, we have taken steps to conserve water resources, including the use of aerators on faucets, drip irrigation for landscapes, and smart water meters to track consumption, resulting in a remarkable 20% reduction in water usage.

These efforts go beyond mere numbers; they reflect our dedication to sustainability. By anticipating a reduction of 1,500 tons of CO2 emissions per year, per building, we are actively contributing to a healthier and safer planet.